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God Adores You June 2023 - Newsletter

For the past three years we have been praying, sharing the message of love, and hope and promoting LGTBQ inclusion in Africa. We said yes to the call of God which is why we have testimonies of people escaping suicide, people finding peace with their sexuality, and people returning to the joy of their Christian faith. Some are even returning to church to serve and live their God given purposes. On behalf of all the lives that are and have been touched by God Adores You I want to extend my gratitude. We thank you for continued support. Our prayer is that God keeps you, protect you and enlarge your territory.

In Zimbabwe we are in an election year which is a risky time for activist. Keep us in your prayers. We believe and trust God for his protection. We have encountered many threats but that doesn’t stop us from doing what God has called us to do. In the midst of all this we remain focused and determined.

I recently visited Botswana with my husband. A friend asked to meet and to share his story: about his sexuality, faith and how he got married and how things turned out. Robert (his name is changed for his protection) is a Christian man in Botswana. He (like many men) was pressured by families to get married and make a family. He thought that by getting married his same-sex attraction would go away, but he found out that it didn’t. He and his wife had two children together. She began to complain about his lack of interest in sex, and finally he decided to tell her why. He then gave her the option to stay in the marriage or leave. She chose to divorce him and leave him with the children. Robert is concern of the people in Botswana who are getting married under the pressure of parents, church and society.

I thought the struggle was big just in Zimbabwe, but it is all over. The suicidal rates are growing related to pressures to marry, and women are suffering due to marrying men who are secretly gay. The struggles here are real.So is the need for financial support to keep the God Adores You ministry going.

Please consider joining our efforts. If you can give monthly this provide stability for our team.

Ronnie Madongwe

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